Monday, September 9, 2013

#Fall days #sports #enjoying life

Fall is one of my favorite seasons to make memories with my family.  It's not just bon fires out in the back yard or teaching my 5 year old how to read, it is how we like to spend our weekends.  Samantha and Zack are involved in a couple of sports that they enjoy.  Zack is my little football star and recently he finished up his first year of baseball, his 3rd year of tackle football.   I asked him on the way to school last week on what sport he likes to play the most, Zack told me he was undecided.

For Samantha, this is her first year at playing fall ball and her 2nd year at Volley Ball.  Fast pitch is something that Samanta likes to do, besides having one or two practices with Volley ball.  Knowing different rules and sportsmanship is important to teach at any age.  

As my 3 school agers become a little more independent, I cherish the moments that Matt and I have with Samantha,Zack and Emma.  But with Abby, I see she wants to make sure she does not miss out on anything.  Being 7 months and figuring out how to crawl and take all the excitement in, she gets a little tired of crawling with her stomach on the floor.  


As the weather cools off Matt gets into having bon fires in the back yard with marshmallows and the older kids helping him collecting the wood on the other side of our fence.  Sitting with a sweatshirt on and relaxing by the open fire is something that I like to do.  It's not because of the orange glow of the fire, it's the company of my family that makes it all complete.

As for the long nights and short days, I will think of different possibilities of crafting and baking.  Without making different things for the house or cooking different types of courses for the family, my mind goes on an over load.  What I like to do is make a little mental note to see what I can come up with and gather my supplies and let everything fall into place.  Getting ideas from friends or co workers does help out, depending if I am brain storming.  

For the next month and a half I am going to make different things that are "fall like". ( From decorations to baking)  If any of you that read my blog, feel free to add any comments that you may want to share so I can post it.  A fall give away will be at the end of November, so start being creative.

Have a great night,
